
August 15, 2011

Style Board: Back to School Wedding

It's about that time of year again. Back to school time. The school around the corner from us starts back up next week, and to me this means a few things. I cannot leave the house between 7:30am and 8:30am or between 2:15pm and 3:15pm because parents are shuttling their kids to and from school. It also means that I can go to the mall in the middle of the day without teenagers. I feel like such an old lady saying that, but the last time we went to the movies, there were three teenage girls talking loudly and carrying on a full conversation DURING the movie. I'll be happy to grab a matinee without the interruptions.

So while I did a School Themed Wedding several weeks ago, I thought I'd touch on some of the super cute back to school detailed ideas, perfect for two teachers getting married or anyone else who loves back to school.

First Row: Nicole Hill Photo via Amy Atlas; Photo via Eighteen 25
Second Row: Photo via Amy Atlas; Photo via Disney Family Fun
Third Row: Photo via Pinterest; Photo via Nicole Hill Photo via Amy Atlas
Fourth Row: Nicole Hill Photo via Amy Atlas; Photo via Pinterest

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I know you're a girl after my own heart because I've got a back to school week in the works, too!


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