
August 2, 2011

DIY Week: Escort Cards

Okay, so now I sit on pins and needles to wait for the decision. My second interview was today and I think I did great, I even had to take a little aptitude test that I think I did pretty well with. The hiring manager told me he would make a decision by tomorrow. So I have to try and not get all antsy about this! Deep breaths.

Since this week has been a little hectic, I'm going to feature a week of DIY wedding ideas. Things that are totally DIY-able. I don't think that all things should be done yourself. There are definitely things that I would  hire a professional for. However, there are projects that you can tackle for your wedding that are fun and will add the perfect personal touch to your wedding.

I absolutely LOVE these escort cards that the bride DIYed! One thing to note (from my own experience) DIY projects take time, money, and effort. So before you embark on a DIY adventure, make sure you really want to do the project. At the end of the day it's well worth the work (especially when you love the project) but it's not worth the time if you aren't that crazy about it. Then it becomes a chore.

Photographer: Jeff Wallace via Green Wedding Shoes

Happy Tuesday!

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