
August 4, 2011

DIY Week: Centerpieces

So. I didn't get the job. It totally bummed me out yesterday. I thought that the position was so perfect, too. Augh. A small office environment. A ten minute commute. A job that I actually wanted. Well, what can I say, I think the hiring manager made a misjudgment. Then again, he was kind of "kooky" (as a friend described him) and he probably would eventually would become annoying to work for. Granted, that's just me rationalizing. But still. I'm grasping for some silver lining.

Here's a DIY project I found for centerpieces. While I think that centerpieces walks the line of a DIY project that should be taken on with caution (and I definitely think you should consult a floral designer for floral suggestions), it's something that can be personalized. However, I highly recommend hiring a wedding coordinator for at least the month-of, so that they can take over the setup of centerpieces and decor. And you, the bride, can relax and enjoy your big day with your love! It's well worth the investment.

Photo from Project Wedding

It's almost the weekend!


  1. i love that idea... it has so many things you can do with it!

  2. Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry about the position. The silver lining here is that even if it felt like the right thing, it ultimately wasn't, and it's better than being stuck in a bad situation.

    At least there's always pretty like this to enjoy!


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